All About Childbirth And How To Speed It Up

All About Childbirth And How To Speed It Up
All About Childbirth And How To Speed It Up

According to medical terminology, childbirth is a natural physiological process of expulsion of the fetus from the uterus. Many expectant mothers who are expecting a baby from day to day are interested in the question of how and when he will be born.

All about childbirth and how to speed it up
All about childbirth and how to speed it up

How does childbirth take place?

The onset of labor is considered to be the appearance of contractions that recur regularly. They are usually preceded by the so-called precursors of childbirth. They are, for example, the appearance of specific vaginal discharge, consisting of mucus and ichor, as well as pulling pains in the lower abdomen and relief of breathing.

As soon as there are regular labor pains, the woman in labor should pack up and go to the maternity ward. Contractions are normal rhythmic, and are also characterized by soreness, strength and frequency. Initially, uterine contractions are repeated every 10-15 minutes and last for about ten seconds. Further, they become more frequent, and the intervals between them are reduced.

Childbirth is divided into three stages. The first is the disclosure period. It begins with the onset of contractions, and ends with a full dilation of the cervix. If a woman does not give birth for the first time, this process takes about seven hours. For a primiparous woman, it can take ten hours.

Then comes the period of expulsion of the fetus. It does not last so long - two hours for primiparous women, and for multiparous women - from twenty minutes to an hour. At this stage, the child passes through the maternal birth canal, which is facilitated by attempts - contractions of the abdominal muscles, diaphragm and pelvic floor, which occur synchronously with contractions.

The woman can control the intensity of the pushing. First, the baby's head is gradually born. Then the shoulders and the baby himself appear. Simultaneously with his birth, the backwaters are poured out.

The postpartum period is characterized by the birth of the placenta. It includes the membranes, umbilical cord and placenta. The duration of this stage is short - about fifteen minutes. It is usually accompanied by blood loss, but in relatively small amounts - 250 ml.

How to speed up the onset of labor?

There are a number of ways known to our ancestors. Undoubtedly, having sex can speed up labor. In addition to a considerable share of pleasure, this process softens the cervix, which leads to its opening.

Bowel cleansing (using an enema) can also cause labor. A similar effect is obtained by using a small amount of a laxative, such as castor oil.

A fairly well-known method is to massage the nipples of a pregnant woman. This process causes uterine contractions. This organ is toned, which can provoke the onset of childbirth.

In addition, labor can cause increased activity. It goes without saying that a pregnant woman will not be able to jump and run. You just need to move more, for example, go for walks, as well as do feasible homework.

In a hospital setting, special drugs are administered intravenously to stimulate the labor of a pregnant woman. But this is done in special cases, for example, with a "post-term" pregnancy, leakage of amniotic fluid or gestosis. This procedure always takes place under the strict supervision of a doctor.
