How To Tell If You Are Pregnant

How To Tell If You Are Pregnant
How To Tell If You Are Pregnant

Pregnancy is an important moment in the life of any woman. How do you know when it came. Of course, there are many different tests to find out. But the body can also make it clear that pregnancy has begun. There are certain signs by which you can tell that you are about to become a mom.

How to tell if you are pregnant
How to tell if you are pregnant

Unfortunately, pregnancy cannot be detected immediately after conception. Therefore, before the test gives a positive result (as a rule, not earlier than seven days from the moment of the expected day of conception), one has to rely only on the signals of one's own body. It is important to remember that all women are individual in their own way and the symptoms of pregnancy manifest themselves in different ways. Gynecologists identify common symptoms for each woman, which may be prerequisites for a developing pregnancy.

Early pregnancy symptoms

  • Cessation of menstruation
  • Elevated basal body temperature
  • Frequent ailments
  • Drowsiness
  • Feeling of mild pain in the chest area
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased irritability

If at least one of these symptoms is present, each individually or all in the aggregate, pregnancy can be assumed. To exclude or confirm its presence, you need to conduct a pregnancy test yourself (it can be purchased at any modern pharmacy) and be sure to visit a gynecologist. In the antenatal clinic, you will be offered to undergo several types of examinations.

Tests to determine pregnancy

  • Medical examination
  • Blood test (for hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin, the reliability of determining pregnancy is more than 98%)
  • Analysis of urine

Further, based on the results of the analysis, the doctor will draw a conclusion about your condition and, if the pregnancy is nevertheless confirmed, you will be asked to make a medical record and be monitored in the antenatal clinic throughout the entire period of pregnancy, and this is an average of 40 weeks.
