Pregnancy brings many joyful and disturbing experiences. The expectation of the birth of a new life is delightful, and the awareness of inevitable changes is disturbing. Taking care of the baby will take up all the mother's free time, so during pregnancy there is a desire to put all her affairs in order. Finish what you started and prepare yourself and your home for the crumbs to live in it.

A woman's thinking is different in that she can think about several things at once. At the same time, it is difficult for her to single out the single most important from a number of tasks and desires. Chaotic scrolling of thoughts about upcoming affairs leads to their chaotic execution. The consciousness of a pregnant woman is even more confused and filled with excitement. In such a situation, psychologists recommend drawing up a clear plan of action. It allows you to distribute the planned tasks according to their importance and find the best ways to accomplish them.
Write a to-do list on paper
In order for the tasks to be completed, it is necessary to write them down on paper. The recording process involves the psychophysical mechanisms of visualization and motor skills. This is a kind of command for action for our brain. In addition, recording allows you to collect all the thoughts you have.
So, in order to have time to complete all the planned tasks before the birth of the baby, you need to write them down on a piece of paper. You will have three posts. In the first, you write down everything that you want to have time to do. After that, distribute the written down according to the degree of significance.
Think about what it will take to get things done successfully
We proceed to filling in the second column of the plan. Next to each task in the first column, write down everything you need to do or purchase to complete it. For example, you have planned renovations in the future baby's room. Then in the second column it can be written: buy wallpaper, find a master, persuade your husband … The second column will allow you to understand how much time and effort it will take to complete your plan, and whether you need outside help in its implementation.
Determine the timing
In the third column, write down the deadlines in which you want to be in time. Consider that you are in a special position. Pregnancy changes a woman's body. Drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue, toxicosis and possible complications can slow down the execution of your plans. Pregnancy is usually divided into three periods. Each of them has its own characteristics.
The first trimester is the most important for the development of the baby and the most difficult for the mother. The growth of new life in the womb can cause severe fatigue and drowsiness, toxicosis and bad mood. It is in the first trimester that the greatest number of miscarriages occurs, so it is important to avoid heavy loads. Based on this, review the to-do list again and adjust it. For the first three months of pregnancy, it is better to plan simple activities that are not related to physical activity and active communication.
The second trimester is considered the quietest period. The woman adapts to the new state. The tummy becomes noticeable, but not yet burdensome. New forces appear and the mood improves. More complex tasks can be scheduled for this gestational age. For example, repairs in the house or baby's room.
The third trimester is complicated by the fact that the tummy is noticeably enlarged. Shortness of breath appears, movements become slow and smoother. It is difficult to bend down and difficult to walk for a long time. Heavy loads are dangerous, as they can cause premature birth. At this time, it is better to start preparing for the birth of a baby. Buy him a dowry, pick up a stroller and a cot. These are pleasant chores that bring positive emotions, which is very important for a woman. They distract from the anxiety about childbirth and set you up for the upcoming change.
Look at your list and re-arrange the tasks you have in mind according to your situation.
Learn to accept help
Do not refuse the help of your relatives and friends. A pregnant woman should enjoy her condition and focus on the baby she is carrying in her womb. Helping your loved ones will allow you to free up time for pleasant troubles. So take another look at your list and think about what things you can entrust your family with. This useful habit of trusting loved ones to do some things will come in handy after the birth of your baby.
Proper planning will allow you to have time for everything and enjoy your pregnancy.