How To Help Your Child Overcome Absent-mindedness

How To Help Your Child Overcome Absent-mindedness
How To Help Your Child Overcome Absent-mindedness

At some stage in your baby's development, you begin to notice that he cannot concentrate on the things that you require of him. For example, you can call your child several times, and he pretends that he does not hear you at all. Or, you can repeatedly remind your toddler to put away toys in his room, but everything will remain in place. What does it mean? Does your baby ignore you or can't cope with the feeling of distraction?

Absent-mindedness in children
Absent-mindedness in children

Of course, both options are not excluded. But we will focus on a common child's problem - distraction of attention. In this case, the child does not fulfill your requests, as if not on purpose. There may be several reasons for this. First, it may indicate congenital features of the nervous system. Secondly, the baby can thus adapt to normal conditions after an illness. Thirdly, absent-mindedness can especially progress in those children who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

To help your child overcome absent-mindedness, try the following tips from psychologists. To begin with, it will be useful for parents to know that the ability to concentrate attention does not appear in babies immediately. This usually occurs between the ages of four and five. It is during this period that the child can perform several tasks at the same time, giving them as much attention as necessary. In other words, be sure that while sculpting, your baby hears perfectly and adequately perceives your “additional” request.

The child is able to keep his attention for a long time on what is interesting to him. This is an important condition in the fight against distraction. Try to make your child's activities and games fun and different. So he will independently monitor what is happening. However, not all everyday tasks of the kid can be considered exciting. For example, no matter what tricks mothers come up with for cleaning toys from the floor, children can get bored. A way to distract attention or switch it to other activities can help here. In other words, if you see that your child is tired of sculpting, watching cartoons, playing with dolls, read a book together.

And one more effective way of dealing with absent-mindedness. Try to comment on your actions as often as possible in the presence of the child. So you make a mini plan for yourself and your baby for certain time intervals. Subsequently, the baby will get used to such planning and saying important things to himself. Thanks to this method, the baby will less forget and miss important tasks.

If you feel that your baby's distraction is increasing, and the proposed methods have no effect, then everything is much more complicated. In this case, you need to contact a good specialist who will help you cope with this problem.
