Mistrust is the scourge of our time. The fall of moral principles makes people fear deception, live in constant time trouble and sometimes do not trust even those close to them. However, not everything is so sad. Even in the modern world, there are those who can be trusted. What is really difficult is finding such a person.

It is faith that makes people perform feats, create strong families and achieve success. In the social world, everything is built on trusting each other. Commodity-money, love and other relationships will not develop if people suddenly stop believing in their partner's intentions. But, burnt once, no longer wants to step on the same rake.
Why do people become distrustful
Each person experiences betrayal once in his life. Those who were shielded from this, most likely, grew up far from society. It is not necessarily relatives who betray, but also friends and acquaintances. One way or another, a person once encounters a setup, and then begins to build an erroneous opinion that no one can be trusted.
To prevent this from happening, you must have a mentor who will both comfort you and tell you that the light did not converge like a wedge on one bad person. If such a friend is not around, it becomes very difficult to learn to trust again. Then people turn to professional psychologists.
Trust but check
The well-known saying that it is impossible to trust someone unquestioningly is more relevant than ever in our time. “Trust but verify” is the motto of those who have already learned a lesson from life. Indeed, before entering into a frank relationship with a person, it is worth learning more about him, talking better.
In no case should you arrange experiments and try to bring your interlocutor, friend or friend "to clean water." It is possible that he has no selfish interest in you behind his back, and your suspicion will simply ruin the relationship. Seeing a dirty trick and bad intentions from all interlocutors is a bad sign. Excessive suspicion can lead to nervous exhaustion and depression.
Filtering information
The degree of human trust is determined by what they say. You can be quite sociable, but only disclose to people the information they deserve. This is the normal stage of building relationships, which usually ends well. Often people themselves are to blame for the fact that they have become a victim of betrayal, since initially they opened themselves too quickly to a person who did not deserve trust.
So who, in our time, can you open your soul to? Of course, close. Native people do not deserve suspicion and mistrust, even if one day they let you down. A person has the right to make mistakes, but this is not a reason to put him on the list of deceivers and scoundrels for no particular reason. Parents, siblings, husbands and wives are people you can confide in without being too suspicious. You should be wary of trusting your friends, however, they often turn out to be decent people. You cannot constantly treat people with suspicion, otherwise you can remain lonely forever. However, it is undesirable to be frank with unfamiliar people in our time.