All schoolchildren are looking forward to the holidays. After all, this is the time when you can sleep until victorious, walk as much as you want, watch cartoons at any time and play tirelessly.

But not all parents are in solidarity with the desires and opinions of their child. They believe that vacations are more time to study on their own, learn new material and repeat old ones. They do not want their child to spend the allotted time on idleness, but only study and nothing else. So after all, how to organize the holidays so that the parents are happy and the child is not offended?
Often you can hear it from the parents that the holidays are not needed and let the children study, and not wander around. Although even teachers understand that children need to rest and gain strength after a difficult year, as well as prepare for a new semester. Of course, there are parents who agree with the teachers, but there is no consensus.
What is the right thing to do?
There is no point in teaching high school students how to spend their free time, since this should have been done before. But the kids can still be prompted and directed in the right direction.
Everything has its time
In the first days of the holidays, it is better to give the child will, but carefully controlling it. Let him run, walk, play with friends, but do not forget about the developed regime. Otherwise, the regime will fail and it will be difficult to restore it by the new school year. Let him eat on time, go to sleep, wake up. It is also not worth relieving the student of household chores. They will not harm him at all, since they have nothing to do with his studies.
If the child intends to spend a lot of time at the computer or TV, this should be gently stopped and offered to take a walk or play board games.
In the modern world, children read less and less, they prefer to sit at the computer, play, watch videos, but not read. You don't need to force a child to pick up a book, but you can push him to this, you can get interested in the plot.
Any interesting book of almost any genre will do for the first book. And then, when the child gets carried away, he himself will look for interesting books. And then it can be directed towards classical literature and to the list for the summer. Lovers of reading should also be supervised by adults. Since the eyes suffer with constant reading, therefore, the parent must monitor the mode of work and rest.
Writing and arithmetic
Making a kid repeat Russian or count examples is even more difficult than making him read. But it is possible to take advantage of the child's interest in this area, and then such problems will no longer arise.
Parents can buy spelling recipes and offer rewards for every work they do. Then the child will be motivated to complete the tasks. If the kid is still not interested, then you can invite him to write and send letters to friends, acquaintances and relatives, having come up with some interesting story about paper letters.
In this case, he will not only learn to write correctly, but also develop spatial thinking. In order for the student to count, you can also come up with some interesting situations related to counting and ask to solve such a simple problem. And at the end, you can reward the kid with an incentive prize. Repeat or run forward?
Do I need to check if the child remembers everything? Of course you do. Then it will be possible to fill in the gaps in the subjects. But it is not worth learning something in advance, because in the future the child will not show interest in the material in the lesson, and the teacher's explanations differ from those of the parent.
If the child is wrong, then you do not need to scold him. People learn from mistakes and a child is no exception. It would be better for mom or dad to praise him, say how great he is and how well he copes with difficulties. Then the child will have an interest in learning, and he himself will want to go to school as soon as possible.
You should not take childhood away from a schoolchild, because that's what childhood is for, to play and have fun, and not just learn. He will still have time to be an adult.