Giardia is a single-celled parasite. They can occur in two forms: either cystic or vegetative. According to experts, almost 20% of the world's population is infected with such microscopic organisms. Giardia can be found in unboiled water, poorly washed vegetables and fruits.

Step 1
Please note that the treatment of giardiasis must be comprehensive. In addition, only a doctor (gastroenterologist or pediatrician) can prescribe and carry out it. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, it can only lead to a deterioration in the child's health, as well as to the development of complications.
Step 2
Diet will be included in the treatment program. In the diet of young children for two to three days, it is necessary to include foods rich in pectins (energy sorbents). These include blueberry jelly, rice broth, carotene-apple mixture. The transition to the usual diet should be carried out gradually, taking into account the condition of the child. At the initial stage, by the way, tyubazhs according to Demyanov's method will be no less useful. Such a procedure will allow you to quickly and effectively free the body from lamblia and from their waste products. In addition, the tyubage procedure will promote a good outflow of bile, which stimulates intestinal motility.
Step 3
In the treatment of giardiasis, the normalization of the intestinal biocenosis is of great importance (when infected with lamblia, its work is disrupted). Therefore, fermented milk products should be included in the child's diet, which will help restore the normal intestinal microflora. A gastroenterologist may prescribe a course of treatment with special eubiotic drugs (for example, he may prescribe Lactobacterin, Lactusan, or Bifidumbacterin). Recovery with the help of herbal medicine is not excluded.
Step 4
It is necessary to carry out herbal medicine not only to restore the intestinal mucosa, but also to consolidate the therapeutic effect. Its duration is on average from one to two months. In addition to herbal medicine, a specialist can also prescribe antispasmodic drugs, drugs that contain belladonna or that have a gas and enterosorption effect.