How To Choose A Baby Pot

How To Choose A Baby Pot
How To Choose A Baby Pot

Table of contents:


Is it time to potty train your toddler? First you need to purchase the pot itself, which at first glance seems to be an uncomplicated attribute. But only at first sight! On the shelves of children's stores, the range of pots is quite large. Which to choose?

How to choose a baby pot
How to choose a baby pot


Step 1

It is recommended to make a purchase only in children's stores! Unlike markets, there you can be sure of the quality of the products. Pay attention to the fact that the surface of the pot must be perfectly smooth. Cracks and roughness are unacceptable!

Step 2

Be sure to consider the gender of the child. There is a general rule: for boys it is preferable to have an oval-shaped pot with a protective elevation in front (the so-called "anti-splash guard"), for girls - round, so that you can bring the legs together while sitting on it.

Step 3

It is better if the pot has an elevation such as a back - it will be easy for the child to navigate which side to sit on.

Step 4

The child should easily sit down and get up from the pot on his own. Therefore, you need to take into account the age and complexion of the child. For absolutely crumbs, you need a pot no higher than 10-11 cm, a small diameter. For older children, a larger and higher pot is suitable - 12-14 cm.

Step 5

Pay attention to the weight of the pot: it should not be too light, otherwise the chances are high that it will turn over every time you get up from it. In this regard, highchair pots are good: they are stable, comfortable for the child (due to the backrest, and in some models - armrests), easy to use (only the inner part protrudes, so that the entire pot does not need to be rinsed).

Step 6

The color of the pot does not matter - choose any model you like, or better for your child, colors. But drawings, stickers, just like fancy-shaped "fancy" pots (in the form of an animal, a fish, a car) should be avoided - most children are distracted from "serious matters".

Step 7

And another important condition will be that the pot has a comfortable handle (you will have to take it very often in order to wash it) and a lid (suddenly it will not be possible to rinse the pot right away).
