The praise or compliment can be different, and it is not always possible to find a worthy phrase to respond to. Your best bet is to arm yourself with a variety of gratitude options at home so you don't get lost in front of the person giving you the praise.

Step 1
Make it clear to the person that his words are pleasant to you. Always thank the other person for the sincere and deserved compliment, especially if it comes from someone close to you. Ignoring praise in this case would be impolite. Show that you are really pleased that the compliment lifted your spirits. You can just say "thank you", that will be enough.
Step 2
You can jokingly ask a very close person whether what he said is true or not. When the other person answers in the affirmative, smile or laugh together. Further inquiries will create the impression that you are not confident in yourself and your merits. Do not return a compliment to a compliment, your words will seem fake.
Step 3
Answer evasively to an insincere compliment or outright flattery. For example: "You flatter me." After that, just forget the insincere praise and change the subject. Do not focus on the awkwardness of the compliment, the interlocutor, albeit unsuccessfully, tried to please you.
Step 4
Never respond to a compliment in this way: "Yes, what are you talking about!", "I did it by accident." With these phrases, you belittle your dignity. But bragging is also not worth it, you may seem pompous.
Step 5
If you are very embarrassed to respond to any compliment, consider the reasons for this reaction. You may feel that you do not deserve praise, flattery obliges you to something or you are manipulated in this way. In this case, have a few phrases ready that will show the interlocutor that you have noticed his attention, but you do not want to develop the topic further.
Step 6
Never be embarrassed when you hear praise addressed to you. Thank the interlocutor and change the subject: “I am very pleased. But let's get back to the question of …”. By being embarrassed, you show your insecurity. Even if you think the praise is insincere, remember, a person can actually have that point of view.