How To Get The Truth

How To Get The Truth
How To Get The Truth

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The doctor from the popular American TV series claims that everyone lies. And although the subsequent development of events in the series usually proves the correctness of his words, in real life everyone wants not to be lied to. And he can seek the truth by any means.


psychology books


Step 1

The most offensive is when close people hide the truth. But often they do it not out of malice, but because they are afraid to upset, upset you, lose your disposition. To prevent this from happening, your family should know that in any case you will love and support them. Feel free to remind them of this. Such words will help you achieve the truth much more effectively than reading someone else's mail or inspecting the contents of bags.

Step 2

Read books on psychology that describe characteristic facial movements, changes in tone of voice, gestures that indicate that your interlocutor is lying. After you find that your opponent is not telling the truth, you should not openly declare it - this can ruin your relationship for a long time. Better to get him to tell you the truth with a lot of clarifying questions.

Step 3

Try to discuss all important issues face to face. According to statistics, on the phone the interlocutors lie to each other 10% more often than in person. Oddly enough, but when exchanging SMS messages or emails, people lie to each other less often than if they were in the same room. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with discussing a sensitive situation through letters. Both you and your opponent will have time to think carefully about your words and find an explanation for your actions instead of lying.

Step 4

If you want to get the truth not from a loved one, but from intruders, then it would be right if you ask the competent authorities for help. Contact the ROVD, and the prosecutor will defend your truth in court. If after the court hearing you still have not achieved the truth, do not hesitate to contact a higher institution, or, if your story is interesting for the press, try to get it to be told about you on television or published in the newspaper. Such measures can force the court to reconsider its decision, and you will achieve what you wanted.
