How To Restore A Relationship With A Guy

How To Restore A Relationship With A Guy
How To Restore A Relationship With A Guy

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Sleepless nights, tears in the pillow, hours of talking with friends - all this is familiar to women who have experienced parting with a loved one. In a fit of anger, the first thoughts - let him go, he will regret it … But over time, there is often a desire to return a loved one.

How to restore a relationship with a guy
How to restore a relationship with a guy


Step 1

Consider if you really want to rebuild the relationship. It is likely that the old feelings will not be restored. Since the relationship has cracked, then there was a reason. And if it was an ordinary quarrel, but love remained, you can try to fix everything. But when the feelings are gone, nothing can be fixed.

Step 2

You should not sit and wait for everything to be decided by itself. Analyze the reasons for the gap, remember who was the initiator. If you decided to put an end to it, and now change your mind, everything is relatively simple. The young man most likely still has feelings for you. Call him and make an appointment. You will need to explain yourself, ask for forgiveness for emotionality, quick temper. Speak sincerely so that he believes you. Although if you yourself believe that you need this person, the words will turn out to be truthful and honest.

Step 3

In the case when a guy was the initiator of the break, the situation becomes more complicated. But don't despair. Remember everything that came before the breakup, try to find the reason for the young man's departure. Probably, during the last conversation, he expressed all his claims to you. Think about what you can fix in yourself and your style of behavior. After all, the main thing in this situation is not just to return the guy, but also to keep him later. If irritants are not eliminated, quarrels and partings will be inevitable. Perhaps you spent little time with your loved one. Or, on the contrary, they tormented them with their obsession, control, jealousy. If you want to return it, change yourself and change the style of relationships.

Step 4

Talk to your man about your situation. Call him for a frank conversation, offer to start everything "from scratch." Promise that you will listen to him and his desires. If he still has feelings for you, he will not refuse to give a second chance to your relationship. It is not so easy to finally break up with the person who is close to you.
