People complain that it is almost impossible to meet a person who fully perceives them as they really are, and understands their words and actions. But maybe you should think about yourself and not pay attention to others?

Step 1
You can't get hung up on problems and far-fetched opinions about the "enemy" environment. So you try to "withdraw" into yourself, become an introvert and keep communication with the world to a minimum. Perhaps your frown and perpetually disgruntled expression scare people away, and when you respond rudely to their inappropriate curiosity, a barrier of misunderstanding forms. Keep it simple. Meet every day with a smile, despite the fatigue, and answer annoying misunderstandings with a grin. So people will be drawn to you, and you will also start talking. Share your intimate with a loved one, and you will hear an opinion from the outside, get advice. You will feel that you are not alone in the world, and there is someone who understands you.
Step 2
In a dispute, understanding can be achieved through comparisons and telling stories. Give a well-known fact from life that will become a weighty argument in your favor.
Step 3
If you feel that they do not want to understand you, and it is pointless to continue the conversation, you should not get annoyed and switch to loud tones, while breaking into a scream. This behavior will only alienate your opponent and make it harder to reach an understanding. Change your tone. Moderate your ardor. Pause your conversation. While your interlocutor comes to his senses, speak in a friendly tone, as if there was no heated argument a minute ago. Explain your point of view and agree, at least in part, with someone else's opinion. So you will consider the burning issue from different angles and begin to understand each other.