How To Make A Remark To A Man

How To Make A Remark To A Man
How To Make A Remark To A Man

Quite often, women want to change their man for the better. Such desires come exclusively from good intentions. A woman begins to make some comments to a man, but she may not understand that deeply hurts the feelings of a man, because he perceives any comments in a completely different way.

How to make a remark to a man
How to make a remark to a man

If a woman wants her man to change his wardrobe, she should not say so directly, much less in an imperative tone. It is worth avoiding such expressions as: "You dress too badly", "I think it is high time for you to start dressing modern", "Maybe you better put on something else, because you look very bad."

A man takes such phrases with hostility, and here it is very difficult to achieve a positive result. Perhaps a man will listen to a woman, change his wardrobe, but he will feel slighted, it will not bring him any satisfaction, but on the contrary, the relationship between a man and a woman may become worse.

To avoid this, you need to approach from a slightly different side. Make comments to the man better at the very moment when the man himself asks you for help or advice. This can be achieved when a man feels that he is loved for who he is. Very often men do not ask for advice. Therefore, a woman who wants to reprimand a man should start with compliments. For example, you can say that he has a great figure that would fit a different shirt.

You can say: "Dear, let's go to the store after work and buy you something new", "Dear, let's try to wear today not a red tie, but the one I bought you for your birthday." Only make comments in a kind and positive tone.

If a man does not behave very nicely at the table, then under no circumstances and under no circumstances should you tell him about this in the presence of other people, even if they are your relatives, close friends or even your children.

Men are very vulnerable, despite their character and inner core. If a woman constantly gives advice, then in this way she humiliates the dignity of a man, casts doubt on his reputation. It begins to seem to him that she does not believe in him, does not believe that he can achieve anything. This cannot be done, it will soon kill in a man all the most important that he has - his courage, his strength, his will to win, striving for exploits. Therefore, a woman should be very wise, and if she really does make comments, then only correctly.
