Approval And Punishment Are The Main Components Of Education

Approval And Punishment Are The Main Components Of Education
Approval And Punishment Are The Main Components Of Education

Encouragement and approval for worthy actions play a significant role in the upbringing of children. You need to recognize and point out positive aspirations to your child in time, then you will not have to apply punishment at another time. The endless reminder of the child about his shortcomings entails a decrease in self-esteem and dedication to something.

carrot and stick
carrot and stick

A timely spoken word of support and approval helps the child feel "wings behind his back." Children are designed in such a way: in order to hear words of praise next time, they will strive to repeat actions that have entailed a positive response. The encouragement, no doubt, should not be unreasonable, but for something. When these minor achievements are abused, so many accumulate that the child gets used to them, ceasing to appreciate them.

Some parents pay their children real money in exchange for good behavior or deed. Such children eventually lose the initiative to do something just like that "out of the kindness of their soul." Correct behavior should become habitual for the child, and not highly paid.

In some situations, punishment has to be used to censure a child's inappropriate behavior. It is obvious that corporal punishment offends children, but these days it is becoming increasingly difficult for the older generation to educate a worthy member of the future society. When mom and dad are busy getting their daily bread around the clock, children are sometimes left to themselves, which leads to permissiveness and childish promiscuity. Parents do not have enough time or energy to delve into the child's problems. It is easiest to choose a fist or a strap for parenting, but the consequences can be far from easy. Isn't that why there are more and more evil, cynical and heartless people around?

To indicate the negative actions of your child, you can use the restriction on satisfying the desires of the baby: prohibiting the use of a computer for a certain time, refusing to buy the desired thing, and so on. In some cases, it helps to indicate to parents that the actions of their children are unacceptable. A remark made with authority by a Pope can sometimes have a positive effect. But only if the spoken words do not acquire the effect of a "worn-out record".
