The ability to register a child on the ex-husband's living space depends on who owns it (ex-spouse, someone else or is municipal) and whether the child himself is among the owners of the apartment.

- - birth certificate of the child;
- - parents' passports;
- - the mother's consent to a residence permit (according to the situation);
- - confirmation of ownership;
- - consent to registration in a municipal apartment of all minors already registered in it;
- - application for registration at the place of residence.
Step 1
The easiest way is if the child owns a share in the apartment or he is among its owners when the one is in joint ownership. In this case, no one’s consent is definitely required.
The mother fills out the application for his registration at the place of residence herself as his legal representative. And nothing else, except for the birth certificate of the child and documentary confirmation of his right to property, is not required. Unless they can ask for a certificate that he is not registered with his mother.
Step 2
If the owner of the privatized apartment is the child's father, or at least he is registered in it, his consent cannot be avoided. If he does not mind, and the child is less than 14 years old, no one will ask the opinion of the rest of the tenants, including the owner of the apartment.
In this case, a statement by the ex-spouse about registering the child to his apartment, the mother's consent and confirmation that the child is not registered with her (or an extract from the previous living space simultaneously with registration on a new one) will be required.
Step 3
In a municipal apartment, the consent of all adults who are registered in it, and confirmation of kinship (father's passport and child's birth certificate) will be required.