What To Do If The Husband Is Not Happy About Pregnancy

What To Do If The Husband Is Not Happy About Pregnancy
What To Do If The Husband Is Not Happy About Pregnancy

When a woman finds out about pregnancy and informs her husband, she wants to see joy on his face, happiness in his eyes. Sometimes this doesn't happen. The question arises: how should she behave if her husband's reaction to the news of pregnancy turned out to be negative?

What to do if the husband is not happy with the pregnancy
What to do if the husband is not happy with the pregnancy

The emotional reaction of a man to the news of the replenishment of the family can be different, even negative. This does not mean that all future dads experience only negative feelings when they learn about the upcoming changes in their lives. It is impossible to know in advance how a man will behave after receiving news of the pregnancy of the second half. Pregnancy can be planned or unexpected, but in any case, the male reaction is unpredictable. From this moment, tension, nervousness and resentment may appear in the family. To prevent such a development of events, one must try to understand how a man feels, to look at the situation through his eyes.

Features of men

For a man, the news of pregnancy is stressful. It will be difficult for him to cope with unexpected emotions and accept a new situation. Some factors can complicate the process of accepting a wife's pregnancy: an unstable financial situation, character traits, tense family relationships, etc. Men are more difficult to endure stress, they do not have the hormonal background that a future mother has. And men are simply less emotional.

How to react to your husband's behavior

The husband's reaction to the message about pregnancy can be questions like: "Are you kidding?", "How did this happen?" Also, a man can silently look with incomprehensible eyes, or simply go to another room, stay late at work, or not call for a while. Although this situation is extremely unpleasant for a pregnant woman, you need to be patient, not to panic or despair. Perhaps the husband was not mentally prepared for such changes, and his first reaction would be a stupor. You should not inflame the situation by making claims about behavior against your man. Show gentleness, understanding, tactfully helping your significant other to adapt to the new situation. It will take some time for the husband to accept the unborn baby, then the reaction will be completely different.

A man can openly express his unwillingness to have a new family member, will give different reasons: "We do not have our own place to live", "We are still very young", "If you leave work now, we will not be able to handle the child." Excuses like these prove that men are inherently rationalists. This does not mean that your chosen one dislikes the child. He's just trying to analyze the changes and difficulties that will inevitably arise with the birth of a baby. In such a situation, do not jump to conclusions. The main thing is that the man in the future will be a support for the family, and for this you must help him solve exciting issues. Convince your spouse of the possibility of overcoming any problems: you can take things for the child from friends, work remotely on maternity leave, and a mortgage loan for a family with a small child is given on favorable terms.

A husband with anxious personality traits, insecure, may experience intense fear of the news of pregnancy. This also happens to men who are afraid of restricting their freedom of action. They may leave the family or start drinking, become rude and express doubts about their wife's loyalty. In such a situation, one should not expect a quick change in the spouse's mood. The main thing here is to protect yourself from his bad emotions. If a woman wants support and understanding, then she can turn to relatives and close friends for help. After a while, it is appropriate to try to talk to your husband about his fears or see a psychologist.

For any reaction of the husband to the news of pregnancy, the wife must give him time to adapt to the new situation. A man will be aware of his feelings, be in shock for some time. Only then will you be able to assess his attitude to this event and make a decision together on further actions. Even if the husband reacted with stormy delight, this does not guarantee that in the future he will be an ideal father and will not stay too long at work, avoiding communication with the child. A man who initially showed negative emotions can become a very responsible and loving dad.
