The Subtleties Of A Women's Pickup

The Subtleties Of A Women's Pickup
The Subtleties Of A Women's Pickup

The relationship between a man and a woman most often begins with flirting. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to wait for the first step on the part of a representative of the stronger sex - acquaintance with a man may well begin with a woman's pickup. The rules of seduction by a beautiful stranger are quite simple, and the main thing is not to overdo it and remain as natural as possible.

The subtleties of a women's pickup
The subtleties of a women's pickup

First of all, a woman's pickup should start with a woman radiating goodwill in half with independence. Since men are willing to "sink" into mystery, you should imagine yourself as a predatory cat, walking in the stone jungle and looking out for a tidbit for dinner. At the same time, a woman's posture should be proud, but not tense, and her gait should be confident and sexy.

A man's pickup truck does not allow uncertainty and embarrassment, while a woman's flirting should be complemented by a slight touch of innocence and even naivety. However, if the purpose of a pickup truck is solely to seduce a man, cold-blooded hypnotic confidence will allow you to gain complete control over the situation. It is also very important to use the stop-signal technique in a women's pickup, which allows you to attract the attention of a man. To do this, you need to hold your gaze for a longer time at the object of passion, accidentally touch it, turn your whole body towards it while talking, or drop the object that he will have to pick up.

The first impression is always made at the beginning of an acquaintance, so a woman's speech should be built, smooth and friendly - but aggressive sexuality and vulgarity can alienate a man. It is also not recommended to elicit all the details of his life from him - it is better to periodically make unobtrusive and justified compliments to the man you like.

And finally, it is very important to use such a psychological technique as "mirroring", which is a repetition of various behavioral manners of the interlocutor. By copying his intonations, gestures, postures and even the rhythm of breathing, a woman can get as close as possible to a man who, on a subconscious level, will feel a kindred spirit in her.
