In principle, acquaintance in a cafe does not differ from acquaintance in any other place - in a cinema, on the street, in a store. However, there are a few little tricks that can make this process easier.

Acquaintance without company
It should be borne in mind that people in a cafe feel relaxed, do not run anywhere and are not in a hurry, so getting to know each other here is a little easier than on the street with the eternal bustle.
If you notice a girl you are interested in without company in a cafe, try to indirectly attract her attention - discuss something with the bartender or waitress, exchange jokes with people at neighboring tables, make yourself the center of attention for a while. Firstly, it will arouse the girl's interest, make you stand out from the crowd of other visitors to the cafe, and secondly, it will create the impression of a sociable person about you.
After that, you can approach the girl and just start a conversation. Do not hesitate, doubt your abilities, look for some smart topics to start a conversation. Just say hello and start a conversation on a neutral topic, ask questions (preferably those that cannot be answered in monosyllables), involve the girl in the conversation, give her discreet compliments. At the same time, be sure to look into her eyes, do not wander, do not look around. Direct open looks are more credible.
Try asking her out right away. It is much more reliable than exchanging telephone numbers. Such pressure can intrigue almost any girl. Try to offer her specific options for a date - billiards, club, bowling, cinema, walk in the park, and so on, you can ask what she would like. Strike a balance between persistence and politeness, you should not seem too intrusive. You can only ask a girl out on a date after you have struck up a conversation, otherwise it just looks inappropriate.
What if the girl is not alone?
If the girl you are interested in is in the company of friends, the tactics need to be changed. Always start communicating with her friends, compliment them, express sympathy, and gradually involve the girl you are interested in. If she shows interest in you, surprised by the amount of attention you give her friends, it means that you are intrigued by you. After that, turn your attention to her, make subtle graceful compliments, start a conversation on neutral topics. Then proceed as in the case of a lonely girl in a cafe. Try to get the person you are interested in from the company of friends, offer to take a walk, ask for advice, joke. If her friends like you, they will help you get a date with her.