How To Meet A Girl In A Cafe

How To Meet A Girl In A Cafe
How To Meet A Girl In A Cafe

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There are all sorts of places to meet a girl, and one of the most convenient and affordable is a cafe. You can quickly find a common language with a wonderful stranger, keeping her company in a cozy and well-disposed environment for communication.

How to meet a girl in a cafe
How to meet a girl in a cafe


Step 1

Choose a suitable cafe for acquaintance. Focus on the girl's desired age, interests and social circle. For example, you can choose a youth café, a karaoke bar, or a more sophisticated establishment where more mature women with a stable financial position prefer to gather.

Step 2

Make sure the timing is right to visit the café and meet the opposite sex. It is better to focus on the evening time, but it is better not at the latest - from 17 to 20 hours. During this period, you will find a lot of girls who stopped by for a snack and dinner after a working day. As for the later hours, usually at this time the girls gather in a cafe with noisy companies for an evening rest, so it will be more difficult to get to know each other.

Step 3

Determine which girl in the cafe you like the most. Then you can follow one of several effective techniques. For example, try approaching a lady's table at a time when she is not too focused on eating and ask if you can sit down, and, having received her consent, you can introduce yourself and start chatting. However, girls do not always agree to share a table with an unfamiliar man.

Step 4

Call the waiter. Give him a note with a beautiful compliment to the girl and ask him to give her, for example, a bottle of wine with a beautiful rose or an exquisite dessert. You don't have to sign the postcard. As soon as the girl receives your gift, pay attention to her reaction. Most likely, she will look around with interest. Try to meet her gaze and wink. Most likely, the girl will smile and look away, thereby showing that she is pleased. In this case, you can approach her, offer to meet and chat.

Step 5

If a girl sits at a table not alone, but, for example, in the company of friends, you can attract her attention in the way described above, but in order to communicate with her face to face, you will have to be cunning. You can continue communication through sticky notes. Write your name and tell the girl that you liked her at first sight, then ask her to leave her phone number and send it through the waiter.

Step 6

After meeting and communicating with a girl in a cafe, you can limit yourself only to getting her phone number in order to call and invite you on a date in the future. But if the girl does not mind, walk her home and make an appointment for the next meeting in words.
