How To Understand A Boy

How To Understand A Boy
How To Understand A Boy

Table of contents:


Men and women often do not understand each other. This is due to the peculiarities of their thinking. With experience, people learn to put themselves in the shoes of a partner, begin to understand the way they think, feel interests and desires, but at a young age it is not so easy to do this. Girls want boys to be sensitive and caring with them, boys, in general, do not mind, but they understand all this in their own way. As a result of resentment, quarrels, grief. Try to figure out what the opposite sex thinks and accept them for who they are.

It can be difficult to understand each other
It can be difficult to understand each other


Step 1

If you and your boy have been walking together for a long time, he treats you warmly, but for some reason he still won't say how he feels about you, you don't need to think that there are no feelings, or that he sees only a friend in you. Yes, anything can happen. But boys rarely waste time with girls they don't like. Most often it is a matter of ordinary indecision. In this case, try to take the first step, there is nothing unnatural in this.

Step 2

If your boy does not often, in your opinion, tell you about his love, this does not mean that he has stopped loving you. Most likely, he sincerely believes that you understand without reminders: nothing has changed since yesterday.

Step 3

If your boy sometimes hangs out with other girls, do not think that you are bored with him, and he is looking for a replacement. More often than not, it doesn't mean anything. Being jealous and making scenes from scratch is not the best way out of this situation. Remember that jealousy has a devastating effect on relationships.

Likewise, you shouldn't be offended that sometimes he wants to spend time with friends.

Step 4

If he himself suddenly became jealous of others, try to explain to him that you only need him. It probably won't help much, so be sure to remind you of this from time to time. Gradually, he will begin to trust you more.

Step 5

But if he stopped calling, does not write, does not make appointments, refuses your offers, think about it. Everyone is busy. But if a boy really needs a girl, he will surely find time for several SMS a day. In the event that this does not happen, try to find an opportunity to talk to him about it, remind that he is not indifferent to you. If after this conversation there is no more attention to you, pause, do not intrude. In such cases, the step must follow from the man.
