Verse can be learned, contrary to the assertion of skeptics. Even Pushkin scholars say that the records in the great poet's manuscripts are far from those perfect lines that are familiar to everyone from childhood.

Step 1
Free up time to practice poetry for at least an hour a day. Don't expect the muse to visit you on your own during your morning run or rest. Poems are not born by themselves, they are the product of the hard work of the brain. Although after a few dozen pieces of work it may seem that the lines just come to mind, it is rather a tribute to professionalism.
Step 2
Build your vocabulary because it is the foundation of success in this field. The richer your speech becomes, the faster you will find words that convey the main idea of the work as accurately as possible. And it's not just about finding the right rhyme. The average person in his everyday speech uses from 5 to 10 thousand words, some of which are parasitic words, compound delusions, phrases distorted in a modern way. It is worth paying tribute to the obscene language and expressions from the blogosphere. Meanwhile, the Big Academic Dictionary has more than 131 thousand words, and more than 200 thousand are reflected in Dahl's dictionary.
Use the following exercises to expand your vocabulary.
1. Selection of synonyms and antonyms. You stop at any word from the Russian language (it is better to give preference to an adjective, noun or verb) and begin to select semantic synonyms or antonyms for it (your choice). It is important not to look at the Internet or books. At first, the task will seem incredibly difficult, so do not be surprised if the first time you can pick up only 5-6 values, and in other cases even less. Indeed, how to characterize the word "Internet" except as "World Wide Web", "World Wide Web", "Global Network"? But after a while, you will get better, more precisely, make your brain think better, and the indicators will noticeably increase: 20-50 synonyms or antonyms will come to mind for a simple word.
2. A selection of words corresponding to the rhythmic pattern of the word.
In the Russian language, there are several rhythmic patterns of the Russian word. The most common (capital letter under stress, the number "A" corresponds to the syllables in the word):
• tAT (cat, coffin, pillar);
• tata (plum, miracle, by);
• tata (rock, dream, foliage);
• tatata (small, ticklish, grandfather);
• tatAta (infantry, hiccups, care);
• tatata (beauty, nakedness, orphan).
You can also take into circulation diminutive words with 4 syllables, for example, shirt, sun, as well as compound words - defense, constitutional, etc.
Choose each model in turn and select 100-200 words for each. After a while, you will not only develop your vocabulary, but also learn to feel the rhythm.
3. Reading books. No matter how trite it may sound, but smart thoughts are written in books, and if you take a good work, you can glean a lot of useful words from it.
Step 3
Move on to work on rhymes. At first, select only rhymes, by analogy with synonyms / antonyms. In this case, use only your knowledge, do not resort to the help of the Internet or printed publications. If there are no more options left, then postpone the exercise until the next time, and when you return to it with a fresh mind, you will certainly add to this list. Only after a second pause has occurred, refer to special check programs (for example, After a month of training, you will be able to pick up a lot more rhymes than the robot will offer you.
Step 4
Study iambic, chorea, anapesta, dochmia, amphibrachia, dactyl, hexameter, and other sizes. After getting acquainted with the rhythmic patterns of the word, it is much easier to navigate the world of poetic rhythms.
Step 5
A good poem needs a plan - thoughts should go consistently and fully reveal its essence. Use a traditional structure: introduction, body, conclusion. Title is required. Do not stop there, return to your works from time to time, change them for the better. Only through persistent training can you learn to write quality poetry.