The child is very dependent on adults, needs their support, participation and care. He expects an adult to be directly involved in all his affairs. The main activity of the kid is play, so the adult must learn to play with the child.

Step 1
To learn how to play with a child, it is advisable to first study his age-related psychological characteristics, because play activities of a toddler, preschooler and younger schoolchild are different. Knowing these features, start choosing games based on their content, what place they occupy in the life of children, in their upbringing and education.
Step 2
Then prepare the necessary props for the game. It is advisable to do this together with the baby. Introduce your child to the rules of the chosen game.
Step 3
While playing with the baby, try to put yourself in his place, try to get into the role, remember that you yourself were once a child. Play honestly: do not put pressure on the kid from the position of an adult, but also do not lose to him on purpose, considering him small. In a relaxed manner, try to make sure that the game is useful. Rejoice together with the kid in his victory in the game. If the child loses, teach him to adequately perceive the failure, to understand that the main thing in the game is participation, not victory.
Step 4
Try changing the plot or the rules of the game with your baby. Perhaps the child will like it.
You can try to come up with your own game. Remember that play plays an important role in the development of the baby, because is its main activity. It is through play that the child learns the world around him, learns the laws of interaction. Remember the main thing: playing with your child does not mean offering him a large selection of toys and educational aids, but being close. After all, he wants close people to play with him themselves. Even when the child has learned to play on his own, parental support and assessment of his actions will be necessary for him.
Step 5
Adhere to the following rules when playing with your baby: 1. The child should always have time to play! And when he is just lying in the cradle, and when he takes his first steps, and when he puts words into sentences. And especially when he starts getting ready for school 2. Communication with children should always be truly sincere, genuine, and play with a child should only be started in a good mood. 3. It is good if parents plan time for games every day, but situations that have unexpectedly developed for the game should also not be missed. After all, a game can be invented out of nothing, for any reason, just a kid's inquisitive look at some object or event is enough. 4. If for a child of one or two years of age, parents are in the first place in the game, then it is time for older children to learn to play in a team. So that "home" children do not pass such an important period for the formation of personality as role-playing games, one should more often invite peers to the house.