The insistent advice of pediatricians to feed the child strictly according to the clock is a thing of the past. Doctors have recognized the wisdom of village grandmothers and recommend a free feeding schedule, depending on the requirements of the baby. This applies to those babies whose mothers have a sufficient amount of breast milk. When feeding with milk formulas, it is advisable to accustom the child to the regimen so that there are no problems with digestion.

Step 1
In the first month of a baby's life, it is necessary to feed him as often as he himself asks. Let this happen every hour, but as soon as the baby smacked his lips in search of food, he should immediately get what he wants. Don't make your child cry. If he cries for another reason, you need to first calm down, and then start feeding. Otherwise, having swallowed air, the baby will regurgitate all the food or suffer from colic.
Step 2
Food for babies is of great importance. We can say that this is his only joy. If the vital needs of the baby are satisfied on demand, he will quickly understand that the world around him is quite comfortable and friendly. Constantly feeling that mom and food are always there, the child will become calmer. The intervals between meals will gradually increase, and you can smoothly develop a suitable diet.
Step 3
The feeding process should be pleasant not only for the child, but also for the mother. This is a very important moment, a kind of sacrament. It is necessary to push aside all negative emotions, because the newborn is very sensitive to the slightest nuances in the mood of the mother. At first, it is better to feed the baby lying down. When the mother gets stronger after childbirth, it will be possible to sit comfortably in a chair, put a pillow under her back, and put a chair or a bench under her feet.
Step 4
Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before feeding. Then you should express a small amount of milk and wash the nipple with it to protect the baby from excess germs and bacteria. Make sure the baby grasps the nipple along with the areola. This will help prevent air from being swallowed.
Step 5
If the mother is in pain, or the baby smacks loudly and clicks the tongue, it means that the baby has picked up the nipple incorrectly. You need to carefully pull the chest out of your mouth and try again. During feeding, only the sounds of swallowing and satisfied sniffing should be heard. Each child has its own time for saturation. Some suckle actively, while some babies are lazy and do it slowly.
Step 6
After feeding, you need to hold the baby in an upright position for some time. You need to give him the opportunity to regurgitate air. After that, put it in the crib, but always on the barrel. You can put a rolled up diaper under the backrest. Perhaps the baby will vomit some food. Sitting on the side will prevent him from choking. When feeding from a bottle, the actions are similar. You should only follow the instructions for preparing the mixture, adjust the size of the nipple opening and do not offer the remaining mixture a second time.
Step 7
Proper feeding will ensure the well-being of the baby, mother and a calm environment in the family.