How To Wash A Stroller

How To Wash A Stroller
How To Wash A Stroller

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From the very birth, your baby has his first personal transport. If you notice that after a while of using the stroller, it gets dirty, stains appear or road dust has eaten into the material, do not be discouraged. You can bring the stroller back to its original form at home, using the minimum set of tools.

How to wash a stroller
How to wash a stroller


  • - liquid detergent
  • - soap
  • - a few rags and sponges
  • - brush
  • - water
  • - screwdriver for screws
  • - pelvis


Step 1

Inspect the stroller carefully. Find out which fabric parts can be removed. It happens that the fabric base of the stroller is attached to the body with special screws, which complicates the removal of the material somewhat. If the fastening is made on buttons, then this will not cause any particular difficulties. Examine the wheels to see if they can be removed.

Step 2

First remove the simplest parts of the stroller - the grocery basket, removable bumper and hood (assuming these parts are detachable). An arc is usually inserted into the hood to give rigidity, carefully remove it from the hood, being careful not to damage the material. Using a screwdriver, carefully unscrew all screws and remove the fabric of the stroller. In the carrycot stroller, the hood and the inner fabric in the carrycot are most often removable. The fabric, which is located on the outside of the box, is often not removed, since it has a complex fastening. In this case, the entire box should be washed with a cloth or sponge and detergent, and then dried well.

Step 3

Prepare a detergent solution for cleaning the fabric base. It is best to use a liquid detergent. Dissolve it in water and soak the material for a while. Carefully study the base material, at what temperature the product is washed. Then use the brush to gently scrub the most dirty areas. Drain the dirty water and rinse the fabric thoroughly in clean water so that no detergent remains on the fabric. If the material of the stroller and the characteristics of the washing machine permits, you can use the machine wash on a gentle cycle. Make sure that no metal parts get into the machine along with the fabric base. It is advisable to turn off the high-speed spin function in the centrifuge and gently squeeze the fabric with your hands. Wipe the metal frame of the stroller with a soft cloth dampened with soapy water. Then walk with a sponge with clean water. Wipe dry the entire body, especially all moving parts, to prevent rusting. If you manage to remove the wheels, wash them in soapy water, then rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. If the wheels do not detach from the main structure of the stroller, then wipe them with a separate cloth and soapy water. Make sure that no water remains in the movable structure of the rotation of the wheels, this may cause creaking during further use of the stroller.

Step 4

Collect all parts of the stroller after thoroughly drying the fabric base and wheels. Tighten all screws carefully to their original place.

Step 5

If the fabric base of the stroller cannot be removed, wipe the material and all metal parts of the stroller with a sponge and soapy water. After that, wipe the entire stroller with a cloth with clean water several times, paying particular attention to the fabric base, in order to avoid soap stains. Then wipe the entire stroller dry. Many parents wash their entire stroller in the bathroom, if size allows. In this case, it is important to thoroughly dry the stroller after washing and wipe all mechanisms dry!
