Formulas contain all the ingredients you need to feed your babies. Most often these are dry powders. Almost all of them are developed on the basis of high-quality cow's milk, which during the production process undergoes special processing methods, enriched with vitamins, amino acids and microelements. This is done so that the final product is more similar in composition to breast milk and corresponds to the digestive characteristics of babies.

Step 1
The formula for feeding should be selected strictly according to the age and health of the child. To do this, you need to consult with your pediatrician in advance, he will help you choose the mixture that best suits your baby.
Step 2
A fresh mixture must be prepared for each feed. It is very important to respect the proportion of water and powder according to the manufacturer's instructions. Read on the box how much water and powder you need to use to prepare the mixture.
Step 3
If you use too much powder, then you will end up with a mixture with a higher nutritional content. In most cases, this results in regurgitation, erratic stools, and vomiting. The kid becomes moody, does not sleep well and cries constantly.
Step 4
If you take too little of the powder, then the mixture will be low in calories and the baby will remain hungry.
Step 5
The water for preparing the mixture must be boiled in advance and cooled to the desired temperature. It should not be too hot, otherwise, under its influence, the mixture will lose all its nutrients that the child needs. Never boil the mixture.
Step 6
Do not use distilled water to prepare the mixture, it is poor in mineral salts.
Step 7
The water should be poured into the bottle before you add the powder. Check the amount of water in the bottle. Place it on a flat surface and make sure the water level in the bottle matches the division you want.
Step 8
Measure out the required amount of the mixture with a measuring spoon and quickly add the powder to the bottle.
Step 9
After that, attach a nipple to the bottle, close the cap tightly and gently shake the bottle until the powder is completely dissolved.
Step 10
Before giving the formula to your baby, be sure to check its temperature. Put some of the mixture on your wrist. It should not burn or be too cool. It will be ideal if you feel a slight pleasant warmth.