During breastfeeding, lactation crises occur, which many mothers regard as a signal to switch to artificial feeding. However, this does not always need to be done, you can extend the lactation time, observing two main points: to provide raw materials and conditions for the formation of milk.

Step 1
To prevent a lactation crisis and prolong the lactation period, it is necessary to control what and when you eat and drink. Please note that a nursing mother should eat at least five times a day. If, due to constant hassle, you can simply forget to eat, get yourself a food controllers. Purchase and attach five different magnets with food images to the refrigerator, rearrange them down after each meal. By evening, all five magnets should be down. Get a special container to control the fluid you drink, it should be consumed in an amount of 2.5 liters per day, no less. Include milk tea, rosehip tea, and juice with every meal.
Step 2
Almost every breastfeeding mother gets up several times a night with her baby, feed, change clothes or drink. The result is chronic sleep deprivation, which will result in a decrease in milk production. Take every opportunity to restore your sleep deficit. Explain to your family that they can partially take over walks with the baby and household chores, because no one can breastfeed except you.
Step 3
Positive emotions are a prerequisite for good lactation in a nursing mother. No worries, try to control your emotions while you are breastfeeding. If you have time to watch movies, watch comedies, cartoons and children's shows. At the same time, analyze which of them you will show later to your baby.
Step 4
Wrapping the breast with a warm cloth before breastfeeding will help prolong the lactation period. Leave it on the radiator or on a hot kettle, then wrap your chest for a couple of minutes. A light breast massage helps well, later your baby will help with her fists.
Step 5
When feeding, always empty the breast, even if there is a lot of milk left, it must be expressed. Feed on demand, not by the hour. Feed at night, even if the baby is not hungry - just let him suckle to calm him down. For the mammary glands, this will be a stimulating factor, and for the baby - a favorite sedative.
Step 6
Of the drugs for increasing milk production, Apilak has proven itself well. It is made from royal jelly and does not cause allergies in a child, only in case of individual intolerance. Take 1 tablet under your tongue for two weeks.