Starting from the birth of a baby, his biological rhythms "start" the program of vital activity of the whole organism. With their help, the body regulates the duration and time of sleep, improves the metabolism, which contributes to the growth of the child. Therefore, a well-organized daily routine is very important for the harmonious development of a child.

Step 1
At 6-7 o'clock in the morning, the child's body, which has already changed several phases of sleep, is fully ready to wake up. Many babies wake up on their own at this time, but if this does not happen, feel free to wake up the child. Offer your baby a contrast shower to activate the body's defenses to fight germs and bacteria.
Step 2
Arrange breakfast at 8 o'clock. For the child, the best food at this time will be milk porridge, fruit and yogurt.
Step 3
At 10 o'clock, the child's body is at its peak. The baby's brain is able to quickly assimilate new information. Play intellectual, educational games with him, read. Learn a new poem with an older child.
Step 4
After lunch, at about 1 pm, arrange for your child to sleep in the afternoon. It is he who helps the body to produce growth hormone and get rid of the accumulated fatigue. Allowing the child to recuperate in the middle of the day, it protects the nerve cells from overwork. The length of the daytime sleep depends on the age of the baby, but make it mandatory. After sleep, treat your baby to a hearty and tasty afternoon snack. Spend time reading the book, giving him the opportunity to finally wake up and recover.
Step 5
It's time for physical activity at 5 pm, so get some active rest. Get ready for a walk, run a ball in the yard, play on the playground.
Step 6
At 20 o'clock, an emotional decline occurs in the baby's body. But his memory at this time is especially acute. Catch this moment to read poetry (you can even in a foreign language), sing a song together.
Step 7
Get your child ready for bed at 21-22 o'clock. Tell him a story, give him your favorite toy. Turn off or mute the sound of the TV, stop loud conversations.
Step 8
When trying to organize your baby's life in accordance with the correct routine, do not forget that it should not be imposed on the child. Observing the behavior of your child, try to understand in what mode his body lives: when does the baby behave more actively - in the morning or in the evening? Thinking over the regime of the child's day, try to take these features into account.