Mathematical knowledge in later life will be useful to a child for many professions. Mastering skills and abilities in this area, as well as systematic exercises with the baby in the form of a game, will help develop the ability to mathematics.

Step 1
Begin to stimulate the mathematical development of the baby as early as possible: after all, at an early age, the ability of a little man to absorb information is truly enormous. Fix math posters on the walls of the children's room: numbers, counting, shapes, shapes, multiplication tables, etc. As you play, draw your child's attention to the pictures by naming shapes and numbers aloud. Trace the images with your finger over the crumbs. To begin with, let him listen and look at the pictures; growing up, the baby will certainly be interested in the rest of the actions.
Step 2
Do not forget that the best way for a small child to remember useful information is through play. Toys are not the only tools for play. Kids love to play with household items. With their help, they can get acquainted with the concept of quantity, and then with ordinal numbers. The accumulated experience of the simplest arithmetic operations lays the foundation for the successful further development of mathematical skills. So think about how to play with your little one of household things.
Step 3
For the first acquaintance of the kid with mathematics, the ideal place is the kitchen. For example, allow the crumbs to arrange or put one into another pots, bowls, all kinds of containers of different shapes and sizes, empty sour cream and yogurt packages. In addition to counting, with their help, you can master the measurement of volumes. During the game, find out where you can pour more water, that is, which container or pan has the largest volume. Use a measuring cup with a scale for accuracy. This kind of research is best done in the sink.
Step 4
Lay out a variety of buttons on the table. Ask your child to put things in order: put large buttons in one box, small buttons in another. Count together how many buttons you have in each box. Try to count by stringing large beads on the string. Such activities will simultaneously help improve fine motor skills, stimulating the development of the child's brain.
Step 5
You can also conduct math lessons on a walk, using natural material that is always at hand: pebbles, leaves and dry branches of trees, cones. On the way, ask your child to count something: passing cyclists, dogs, trees, benches, etc. In addition to counting skills, attention and observation will develop. For an older child, complicate the task - let him keep track of several objects at once, for example, fir trees and birches, pigeons and sparrows. Measure the distance in steps, for example, between a bench and an entrance, a sandpit and a children's slide. You can practice counting the other way around: on the way from the bench to the tree - you count "one-two-three-four-five", go back - "five-four-three-two-one". Measure the distance with your big steps, and the baby with small ones, then compare the results. The child will get an idea that there are different units of measurement.
Step 6
Play with your baby sincerely and with interest: children feel false very well. If you yourself treat the learning game as a boring activity, then the child will begin to treat it in the same way. Do not be late to teach your baby: what you put in a crumb in early childhood is deeply embedded. In the future, these skills and abilities will help him take place in life.