How To Fix The Letter "R"

How To Fix The Letter "R"
How To Fix The Letter "R"

Table of contents:


Any mother wants her child to speak up as soon as possible. How much tenderness and joy these first clumsy words bring, understandable, often, only to very close and dear ones. However, time passes, the child grows up, and it is still not easy to understand his speech. And if the basic letters learn to pronounce by the age of three, then some, especially "harmful", children cannot pronounce even at the age of six. The leader among them can rightfully be considered the letter "P". How to teach a child to pronounce it?

How to fix the letter "R"
How to fix the letter "R"


Step 1

First of all, it is worth visiting a dentist. It is necessary to exclude such purely physiological moments as the irregular shape of the tongue or the short frenum of the small tongue. Incorrect pronunciation can also be due to undeveloped muscles around the mouth or crooked teeth. A trained physician can help identify and correct these problems. By the way, if a child pronounces the letter "P" with the help of the larynx, then, most likely, this indicates a weak development of the articulatory apparatus.

Step 2

If everything is fine with development, then the next person you visit will be a speech therapist. Indeed, behind the incorrect pronunciation of the letter "P" there can be very serious disorders, in which the cerebral cortex may be damaged. The sooner they are identified, the better. If everything is normal and development is proceeding according to the schedule, then the speech therapist should determine how developed your child's articulatory apparatus is, and suggest exercises to correct difficult-to-pronounce letters.

Many of these exercises can be done independently with your child at home. For example:

- "Kick" with the baby - let him imitate the horse.

- Play with your child in the "machine and motor" - tell him that he is a machine, and the motor is in your mouth, and you need to start it - for this you need to put your thumb under your tongue and move it left and right and in a circle.

- You can try to teach the child to roll the tongue "into a tube."

- Invite him to imitate a kitten who licks milk.

Step 3

In addition to the exercises, it is worth paying attention to letters similar in pronunciation, such as "D" and "Z". The more often your child pronounces words with these letters, the faster he will learn to pronounce and "P". Gradually, as soon as the letter begins to be pronounced, you can move on to the syllables. Ask your child to depict a tractor by pronouncing the syllables "TR" and "DR". Invite him to "growl" like a tiger - this exercise is especially loved by children.
