How can a room's decor affect a child's character? What feng shui opportunities will help to cope with psychological problems of children? Do withdrawal, disobedience and poor performance depend on where the student lives?

If the place in which the child spends a lot of his time does not suit him, then he will experience discomfort and irritation. In addition, the student will not be able to restore the strength that he needs in mastering new knowledge.
When mental exhaustion reaches a certain point, the teenager becomes "difficult." With complex behavior, he shows his loved ones that he feels bad, but he does not know how to cope with the problem.
We design a student's workplace
- The best option for the location of the desk is when the child sits with his back to the wall, and in front of him is a table. In this position, the child will be comfortable. This is due to the fact that he controls everything that happens in the room. He no longer worries about the fact that someone from the family will take him by surprise. It is this kind of freedom that will allow the student to concentrate.
- Don't make the mistake of many parents who put the table by the window for more light. When a child has the opportunity to constantly look out the window, then, most likely, this is what he will do. Instead of taking lessons, he will think about how he wants to go outside.
- Avoid sharp corners in the student's work area. This will negatively affect the subtle mental plane, which will not contribute to the disclosure of the creative potential inherent in the child.