Unfortunately, not all cartoons are equally useful for children. There are many examples when exactly the influence of cartoons caused great harm to the psyche of a child and even led to suicide. But there are also a lot of positive examples and useful animated films - educational ones that help to adapt in society and even develop certain talents.

Until the age of 5, the child perceives information, mainly in the form and with the help of certain images. In most cases, pictures in children's books, cartoon characters give the kid information about the world around him, which is outside his home, his family. This is especially true for children who do not have the opportunity to attend a kindergarten and communicate with their peers.
Unfortunately, the situation when a child is seated in front of the TV, so as not to “interfere”, is typical for most families. But not every parent thinks about the choice of a cartoon, believing that everything that interests him is useful for the child. But an undeveloped child's psyche and undeveloped thinking are not able to separate the good from the bad on their own, and the baby's consciousness absorbs like a sponge all the information it receives.
How to choose a cartoon for your child
If the child needs to be occupied for a while and there is no other "helper" besides the TV, then you need to choose such a cartoon that will be most useful for the baby. First of all, you need to start from the age of the viewer. In accordance with the legislation, each cartoon has recently been marked with marks 0+, 3+, 6+.
The second important factor is the characteristics of the child's development. For example, if a kid speaks poorly, he is not given certain complex words, then it will be useful for him to watch modern cartoons for the development of speech. These include those films where there is a story about the child's peers, where phrases and words are pronounced clearly and clearly, and even several times. Many animation studios release whole series of this direction, in which the heroes are asked to repeat words with them, to name the specified object or letter, to pronounce complex phrases. The action takes place in a game genre, the child feels like a direct participant in the process and such activities will not only give him pleasure, but will also bring maximum benefit.
For children with speech delays, it is best to choose cartoons together with a speech therapist who is currently helping him cope with this problem. Modern medicine chooses not only treatment with medicines, but also focuses on non-traditional methods of healing.
How to independently choose a cartoon for the development of a child's speech
When choosing a cartoon for their child, parents should pay attention to the plot and the way the characters are drawn. Neither one nor the other should contain negative images, the faces in the frame should not be ugly, and the colors of the picture as a whole should be gloomy.
Before showing the cartoon to the kid, you need to watch it yourself. For the development of speech, those films are suitable in which the characters speak in short phrases, address the viewer as often as possible, talk to him and stimulate him to communicate.