Incorrect pronunciation of sounds by a child entails incorrect pronunciation of words. Overwriting words, over time, the child makes mistakes when writing them. Lagging in speech development plays an important role in the learning and social adaptation of the student. Only the adults around him can help a child with speech underdevelopment.

Step 1
To determine the level of speech underdevelopment, you need to contact a specialist. These include doctors, a neuropathologist, speech therapist, and a psychologist. At the same time, it is worth noting that specialists will work with children to restore speech skills only from the moment the child reaches three, and sometimes even four years.
Step 2
Remember that your child is individual, and the development of speech characteristics will be determined taking into account family relationships, the degree of parental interest, their own physical and mental abilities.
Step 3
If the child does not pronounce the hissing letters "l" and "r", it is worth contacting the dentist. It is possible that the presence of a short frenum of the tongue interferes with speaking to the child.
Step 4
After consultation with specialists, it is possible that the child will be diagnosed with a fairly common diagnosis of "dysarthria". You should not be afraid of such a diagnosis. With some perseverance and effort, you will surely cope with this ailment.
Step 5
As a means of strengthening the muscles of the tongue, the child is assigned articulatory gymnastics. It can consist of ten or more exercises that are performed daily with the parents. If your toddler refuses to exercise, do not force him to exercise. Wait and after a while sit with your child in front of the mirror, in a playful way, offer to repeat various movements of the tongue after you.
Step 6
It is possible that the first lessons will be given to the child with difficulty. Do not lose patience, the baby will definitely cope with the task. Strengthening the muscles of the tongue plays an important role in the formation of speech.
Step 7
When working with a speech therapist, repeat the words the specialist calls with your child at home. Pronounce your words loudly and clearly. By repeating your intonation, the child will eventually say the word correctly. Remember that the formation of each sound occurs separately from the other. Speak the words at every free minute. The principle applies here: the more often the better.
Step 8
As an additional element, the neuropathologist may prescribe the intake of drugs, which in combination will have a beneficial effect on eliminating the causes of speech underdevelopment.