How To Organize A Circle Work For Preschoolers

How To Organize A Circle Work For Preschoolers
How To Organize A Circle Work For Preschoolers

Table of contents:


A kindergarten, in addition to a compulsory educational program, can provide additional educational services. One of these services is a hobby group for children.

The circle will give preschoolers an opportunity to develop their creative abilities
The circle will give preschoolers an opportunity to develop their creative abilities


A separate room, sources of funding, the head of the circle, the material support of the circle


Step 1

Study the social order for additional educational services. In other words, find out what kind of additional activities are required by parents or legal representatives of pupils as a circle activity. Use methods such as questionnaires, surveys, face-to-face conversations. All this will help you choose the direction of your circle work and satisfy the order of your parents.

Step 2

Review the curriculum carefully. There should be time for the inclusion of circle work. It is unacceptable to exceed the load on children during the day. In addition, it is impossible to replace the main activities with hobby activities. After making changes, the curriculum must be agreed with representatives of Rospotrebnadzor.

Step 3

Find a leader of the circle, it can be a teacher from the team. For conducting circle work, he should receive additional payment to his salary. In addition, the time of the circle should not coincide with the time of its main work.

Step 4

Instruct the leader of the club activity to write the annual work plan of the club. Classes should be devoted to certain topics, which depend on the age of the children. In addition, the topics of the circle activities may coincide with the topics of the main activities of preschoolers. Thus, an integrative approach to the organization of educational activities in general will be implemented.

Step 5

Think over the sources of funding for the work of the circle. It can function both at the expense of budgetary funds and at the expense of self-sufficiency. In this case, the circle will be a source of additional fundraising for the kindergarten. With the parents or legal representatives of each child who attends the circle, conclude a fixed-term agreement for the provision of additional educational services.

Step 6

Ask the leader of the circle to prepare a list of what he needs for work. Entrust the material support of the additional activities of children to your deputy for the economic and administrative part. In the case of budget financing of the circle, include a specific item of expenditure in the financial and budgetary estimate.

Step 7

Set aside a separate room for hobby group activities. This will allow the leader of the circle to be independent from the work of the main group cells. Also, a separate office will provide an opportunity to store the results of children's work and materials for their manufacture. In order to open the educational process, the parents of the pupils, as well as other members of their families, may be invited to the circle classes.
