Sometimes people close to you need special help. Consider a case where a person fails in business, work, sports, or other areas of activity. He has already made so many attempts, nothing works. He himself does not believe in success, he stopped fighting. Life goes downhill. Similar cases occur at any age when a person is experiencing a crisis due to failure. Consider how to believe in a person and inspire him to continue his efforts.

Step 1
Find stories of great losers who have made great strides. Let's take a look at the life of Stephen Scott, author of The Millionaire's Notebook. In the first 5 years of his career, he changed 7 jobs and tried to start his own business 2 times. On average, he stayed at one enterprise for 5, 5 months. Moreover, he was fired 2 times. One day when he was fired, his boss said that Stephen would never be successful in marketing. And so 5 years of life passed. What would you say about such a person? Would you have faith in him? Later, he founded a successful business, namely in the field of marketing and advertising, rising to a profit of millions of dollars. There are many such people, study their books.
Step 2
Write a fantastic story. Take a beautiful notebook and become a home writer. Fantasize about how successful the person you care about will become. Many science fiction writers predicted the future, so it happened. You will be able to convince yourself personally of success. This will help you provide real support to the other person.
Step 3
Record small victories. In difficult times, it is tempting to focus on failure. Do the opposite. The person is already in the pit, why remind about it. Better notice attempts to get out. I got to the bottom of the pit and threw my head up - excellent. Dug out solid ground to make a step up - well done. Small victories grow into great ideas and build willpower.
Step 4
Try to do what the person can do. Let's say he's a loser footballer. And you kick the ball the way he knows how. Most likely, you will not succeed. Admire his skills. They may not be enough for great success, but he has come so far. And if you continue? After all, it's harder for you to start such a thing, you still can't do anything at all. Appreciate the path that the person has traveled.