Adults often do not understand the child's motives. Why, for example, did your kid suddenly choose to play with a picked up gnarled stick, leaving aside an expensive varnished toy bought in a store, or why does he so stubbornly climb into a muddy puddle? Here are the questions, and you say: icicles.

Oh, those adults
Why do babies love to suck on icicles? Strange question, adult comrades. Didn't you yourself give the name to the stalactites invented hanging from the cornices? Once an "icicle" - then you need to suck it! So it turns out: "Mom, what is this?" “It's an icicle. Where are you pulling her into your mouth ?!"
Icicle was called a rag rolled in a small bag with chewed bread, which the mother gave to the child, leaving him alone, for example, in the field. Ice icicles in shape resemble a "horn" - that was also called that pacifier.
Children are very fond of asking adults two questions: "why?" and why?". From their lips, they are logical, because the child is studying a large unfamiliar world, in which he is a "newbie", and therefore asks old-timers - adult aunts and uncles. And these adults are not always able to explain what is required in an accessible and understandable way, very often they have no time or they do not consider the issue serious enough. It also happens that no one is around, and then acquaintance with the environment has to be carried out by the method of direct contact - to the touch, to the strength, to the taste, finally. Checking an unfamiliar object for edibility is the first unconditioned reflex of all living beings. And a person as well. Only adults determine the properties of objects by laboratory tests, and the child - directly.
Why do children eat icicles
Your child, often unreasonably wrapped up, but moving a lot on a winter walk, loses a lot of fluid. Doesn't an adult, having worked hard, sweating, scoop up the snow with his palm and eat it, rub his face and neck to replenish the lost fluid? And the metabolism in the child's body is much more intense - the child asks for a drink much more often compared to adults. So, most often, children eat snow and suck icicles, because they are simply thirsty, and not because it is delicious.
Drinking melt water is healthy. Frozen and thawed water regains its original ideal structure. The beneficial effect of melt water on the development of the body has long been noted. Therefore, all animals and plants love her.
In the end, there are no comrades for taste and color. What's more: tastes change over time. After all, you also loved at one time to lick and even crunch a transparent icicle sparkling in the sun. The fewer the prohibitions, the greater the sense in fostering a healthy lifestyle. Explain basic hygiene rules to your child.