Girls enjoy hugs, attention and kisses if they come from a person they like. Attempts to meet young people they do not know are perceived negatively by many young ladies. If you are one of those, you can try to discourage boyfriends.

Young people may passionately want to meet both a frankly dressed girl and a shy girl, so choosing the right clothes will not save you from annoying attention. However, young ladies who dress up provocatively are more likely to attract younger people. Of course, you should not give up beautiful and favorite clothes, but try to avoid overly provocative combinations. For example, it is better to refuse an outfit that includes a top with a deep neckline, a miniskirt and fishnet stockings, wearing the same top with trousers, a short skirt with a shirt, and stockings with a dress just above the knee.
Headphones in your ears
To a girl suffering from idleness, those who want to meet are more willing to approach than to a person who is busy with something. Take advantage of this. Walk down the street with your player, read books or lecture notes on public transport. The number of guys who want to distract you will decrease, and you will enjoy what you are interested in - your favorite music or literature, prepare for couples at the university. If a particularly persistent young man decides to interrupt your lesson, you can calmly refuse him, referring to the fact that you need to finish reading the material, or you can even pretend that you do not hear it because of the music.
Our charm
Your marriage will not discourage all gentlemen, but will reduce their number. If you have already been married to your loved one by legal marriage, proudly wear a symbol of your connection - a ring, and when guys approach who want to break your privacy, boldly demonstrate it. If you have not acquired a spouse, nothing prevents you from acquiring a cute ring, putting it in your pocket and discreetly putting it on your finger in those cases when you want to get rid of the subject you are interested in. Verbally, you can also confirm that you have a loved one, and you are quite satisfied with your relationship.
Correct answer
In a dialogue with a guy who is eager to get to know each other, be polite, but at the same time categorical, in order to make him understand as soon as possible that the acquaintance will still not take place, but at the same time not incur aggression. Don't joke or be rude. Just say that you are in a hurry and do not want to meet, or are already in a relationship. If the gentleman persistently asks for your phone, it is better to take his number, and then erase, moving away to a safe distance. By doing so, you will end an unpleasant meeting and will not be subject to further persecution.