There is nothing sadder than a lazy husband who prefers to spend his days on the couch and does not help his wife at all around the house. It is better not to tolerate such behavior, but to take active measures, since your family well-being is at stake.

Step 1
Talk to your husband. Try to convince him that you are very tired at work, you have to do many chores around the house, including looking after the children, preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner, doing laundry and cleaning. A man's hand would come in handy.
Step 2
Keep your voice low and speak calmly to your husband. If you constantly brawl and force your spouse to do household chores, the effect may be the opposite, and the man will stop helping out of principle. Be gentle and compliment your husband. Be sure to mention how reliable, economic and strong it is. Kiss him and ask him politely for help. A loving man will never refuse help. If your actions did not have the desired effect, some family problems may be the reason.
Step 3
Consider if your husband is offended by you. Perhaps you recently did something bad, undeservedly insulted your husband, or forbade him to do something. In this case, your spouse is unlikely to budge until you ask for forgiveness. It should also be borne in mind that a man can also be very tired at work or even feel bad, so sometimes it is still worth giving him the opportunity to rest a little.
Step 4
Try to reward your husband for every chore he does around the house. For example, you can cook his favorite meal, let him watch football in the living room, or meet up with friends. Also, you don't need to overwhelm a man with business. Distribute responsibilities around the house right away so that both of you are involved.
Step 5
Select the days on which your husband's help is usually required. Knowing when you need him will make it easier for him to tune in to day-to-day responsibilities. You can also call him at work during the day and politely remind him of upcoming chores.