When To Transfer A Child To A Common Table

When To Transfer A Child To A Common Table
When To Transfer A Child To A Common Table

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The main food for a baby up to one year old is breast milk and selected factory formula. However, already at this age, the child receives the first types of complementary foods that allow him to expand his diet and gradually accustom him to adult food.

When to transfer a child to a common table
When to transfer a child to a common table


Step 1

At the age of one to one and a half years, breast milk or the usual milk formula can be easily replaced with special "transitional" mixtures or high-quality fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, baby curd. Kids of this age should cook soft meals (vegetable soups and mashed potatoes, boiled cereals, soft meatballs, meat and fish soufflés). It is recommended to grate fresh vegetables and fruits on a fine or medium grater.

Step 2

Food intended for children from 1, 5 years old can be denser (for a child you can cook a casserole, noodles, a light salad of fresh or boiled vegetables or fruits). Meat and fish dishes can no longer be crushed in a meat grinder (blender).

Step 3

By the age of 3, most babies are almost completely transferred to the adult table. However, due to a certain immaturity of the digestive tract, they still require a sparing diet. Small children should not be given fatty, fried, spicy, canned foods, hot sauces and semi-finished products. For common spice dishes, you can use bay leaves, parsley, dill, celery, onions, and garlic.
