Many parents often complain that their child reads slowly and spends a lot of time at the computer. It is necessary to accustom children to books and teach them to read from early childhood. If the child learns to read quickly, it will be a joy not only for the parents, but also a success for the child.

Step 1
Do special exercises with your child that are designed for fast reading skills. Find relevant literature on the Internet. Learn to do breathing exercises: inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. A pause is required, and then exhale in parts. This exercise is similar to blowing out candles on a cake. Teach your child to breathe out for as long as possible.
Step 2
Speak tongue twisters with your child, speak slowly at first and then quickly. But do not overload the child, you can pronounce no more than 4 tongue twisters a day. Start a new activity by repeating them.
Step 3
Write fifteen consonants on a line and practice reading it. Add one vowel to this line and ask your child to read the same. This is a good warm-up before reading.
Step 4
Read aloud with your child for at least five minutes a day. You have to adjust to the child's reading, and he has to adjust to you. There is a more difficult option: after reading aloud together, each of you should read to yourself. Mom follows the line with her finger, and the child keeps up with her reading.
Step 5
Work on speeding up the reading technique when the child is already reading whole words. Work with it in small portions, but often. Train your toddler to read before bed.
Step 6
Do not force your child to read a lot, let this activity be fun for him, and not become a hard labor. Encourage and praise your child. Inspire him to read. But reading should be regular. Lay out his favorite books in an accessible place. Create a notebook where the child will write down the names of the books he has read. A child's excellent reading ability contributes to good school performance as fast reading stimulates the development of learning skills.