The success of a child's education in school depends on many factors. Assessment of students' knowledge allows them to stimulate their cognitive process. In addition, the grading system helps the teacher see the big picture of classroom performance.

The somatic state of the child has a direct impact on his academic performance. Diseases present since childhood can become chronic. The student's body will spend energy on fighting the disease, not leaving them to fully assimilate information.
A child's temperament also provides more or less opportunities for learning. So, a melancholic or phlegmatic person may not keep up with the high pace of the lesson. If the teacher does not take into account the characteristics of such students, this will lead to deuces.
Children with special temperaments need more time to process information. They can learn successfully if they are provided with a more relaxed learning environment.
Disadvantages of parenting
One of the reasons that a child gets deuces at school is pedagogical neglect. Lack of parental attention and control leads to a decrease in student success. It can also lead to the exclusion of the child from school.
If parents do not find time to do lessons with their son or daughter, to ask about school affairs, then the children will learn that no one needs their success. Such indifference makes it clear to the child - no matter how he studies, the parents do not care. Over time, negativism in the child's behavior will be added to the failure, which can negatively affect his fate.
An authoritarian parenting style also leads to poor grades in school. The psyche of a student cannot bear the constant pressure from mom and dad. Gradually, he seems to withdraw into himself, thus defending himself from the psychological onslaught of adults.
Shouting, calling names to a child humiliates his dignity. This leads to the fact that he becomes a downtrodden, insecure person.
Transitional age
The reason for the appearance of twos in a schoolchild can also be a transitional age. Teenagers try to prove to everyone that they are already adults and can solve their problems themselves. However, the inability to control your time and plan things leads to sad consequences.
During adolescence, schoolchildren can draw attention to themselves through reduced academic performance. So they make it clear that they need help from their parents. Age pride prevents them from openly asking for help.
The decline in academic performance during adolescence may be due to changes that occur in the adolescent's body. The child's body is rapidly changing and growing, while the nervous system has not yet fully adapted to these changes.