When a child is born, in addition to joy, fears, doubts, and anxieties come into our lives: how to give the baby the best and avoid mistakes in his upbringing and teach him to discipline?

Step 1
When a child is born, in addition to joy, fears, doubts, and anxieties come into our lives: how to give the baby the best and avoid mistakes in his upbringing and teach him to discipline?
Step 2
Do not overload your child with excessive activities and responsibilities. Do not raise your voice to him and do not utter the phrase: “I said! Do it quickly! It should be so! You should! . Such a relationship between parent and child is based on fear, which can provoke anxiety, withdrawal from the baby, and aggressive behavior. The accumulated psycho-emotional stress caused by the suppression of emotions can lead to the appearance of neurotic reactions in the child, create difficulties in learning and communication with peers.
Step 3
Reconsider your requirements, this method of upbringing will not allow you to accustom your baby to discipline. Praise and encourage him often. Phrase: "I said, do it quickly!" replace with: “Please do as I ask, and you will succeed! ".
Step 4
Do not be upset if he does not succeed at once, the main thing is not to discourage the desire and desire to obey the parents, so as not to nullify all efforts, to teach him to discipline.
Step 5
In order to raise a disciplined child, do not forget, despite all the difficulties, you yourself must adhere to these principles. So the baby will try to imitate you, which will greatly facilitate education. Teach your child to follow the requirements of society, avoiding personal grudges and satisfying their needs without harming society.
Step 6
Try to correctly assess the capabilities of your baby. Because disobedience can be caused by his misunderstanding. Pay attention to his feelings. Learn to admit your own mistakes; if you've been rude to him, apologize. So you will set an example for him how to behave in such situations with loved ones.