At the beginning of the school period, the child will face many difficulties. Parents can and should help overcome them. It is very important to participate in the preparation of your homework at first. Remember, the first grade lays the foundation, forms the child's ability to learn.

Step 1
To achieve good academic results and at the same time develop the independence of the first grader, choose which tasks the child can complete on his own, and where your significant participation is required.
Step 2
Agree with the first grader about what time you will sit for lessons. This will help the child get used to a certain schedule, plan free time and tune in to work in advance. The optimal time for home study is one and a half to two hours after returning from school. So the first grader will have a rest, but will not lose concentration.
Step 3
The workplace at home must be carefully thought out. A comfortable table, the right lighting - all of this is important in a child's educational success. Eliminate factors that can interfere, distract: extraneous sounds, unnecessary objects, pets in the work area.
Step 4
Motivate the first grader correctly. For example, say that after preparing your homework, you’ll go for a walk or watch a cartoon. It is important to create the right atmosphere during homework. Do not be nervous, do not rush, do not put pressure on the child, praise him, but always deservedly, noting specific successes.
Step 5
To develop your reading technique, read with your child every day, for example, before bed. Discuss what you read, share your opinion about the characters, ask questions and take the first grader to a mini-retelling of what he read.
Step 6
You don't need to chase the result too much. Do not increase the load, this can lead to burnout of the child. A bar that is too high can lower a child's self-esteem.