The age-old problem of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. Is it possible to find mutual understanding in the struggle for the heart of a beloved man? Tips on this matter:

Step 1
If the mother-in-law dictates her own rules and demands complete obedience from you, you need to give her a firm rebuff. Do not let your mother-in-law deal with the arrangement of your family with your husband. Unfortunately, in this situation it is impossible to make compromises, it is impossible to try to reach an agreement. You need to clearly draw the line between her and your personal life.
Step 2
Excessive and intrusive care of the mother-in-law can also interfere with a quiet life. Perhaps with the best of intentions, a caring woman will not give you the opportunity to act on your own, try to do everything for you. Such a woman needs to feel useful and needed. Give her presents, ask her opinion and advice, inquire about her health and household chores. Then she will feel like a full-fledged part of your life and will stop interfering with it.
Step 3
Sometimes it is hard for a mother-in-law to come to terms with the fact that another woman takes her beloved son. She can demand increased attention to herself, throw her son into hysterics, accuse him that he rarely visits her, presses on pity. It is important to convey to the mother-in-law that you and your husband will never stop caring about her, sincerely love and respect her. But, like all adults, you have a lot of worries and you can't devote all your free time to her. In any case, she will have to come to terms with it.
Step 4
Do not turn your husband against your mother, do not force him to fight with your loved one with you. She will forever remain his mother, the woman who raised your husband and for this reason alone is worthy of respect and understanding. Try to build relationships. Be friendly in demeanor and steadfast in your beliefs.
Step 5
When talking with a mother-in-law, take an interest in her son. What he was like in childhood, how she raised him. Share how you are trying to please him in every possible way and make his life comfortable with you. Emphasize that you cannot make sense of life without such a wonderful person as her son. What could be more important for a mother than the confidence that her child is happy and in good hands.
Step 6
It is wrong to regard the mother-in-law as a rival and declare war on her for the heart of her son. After all, this is just a woman who no longer lacks the love of her own child. She wants to feel that she is still needed and will never be forgotten. Perhaps she needs time to get used to this fact.