When a child from a calm toddler turns into a restless mischievous person who constantly runs away and does not obey, at first the mother does not know how to deal with him. But if a woman manages to find out what makes her son like that, it will be easier for her to understand what the child needs and how parents should behave.

Step 1
It is often believed that girls are more troublesome at home and at school than boys. But more and more it is becoming clear that it is most often boys who lack confidence, so they learn and behave worse than their more confident peers. Psychologists say that boys no less need proper upbringing from childhood, which will be the key to their success and happiness in the future.
Step 2
Keep in mind that in preschool years, boys produce more of the male hormone testosterone. It is he who makes them uncontrollable, sometimes aggressive and increases the likelihood that they will have certain problems at school. Therefore, remember that due to the influence of testosterone, your son can: pretend to be Batman, Schwarzenegger, or just a tough guy from an action movie; come up with dramatic crashes of planes, trains, cars; to release the accumulated energy, playing football, running a race or during the game create unbearable noise and rumbling; become irritable, aggressive, domineering. Consider the effect of hormones on your son's behavior as something given. during adolescence, the level of testosterone in his blood will reach a fairly significant concentration.
Step 3
Remember, boys have much higher emotional needs than girls. They are more acutely afraid of separation from their parents, they are more influenced by the home environment. It is more difficult for them than for girls to express their feelings. Most often, it is the boys who need help in mastering such communication skills as communication, the ability to share, the ability to conduct disputes without fights. Unfortunately, instead of filling the son's need for expressing feelings, parents, on the contrary, try to keep this quality in his character as small as possible. After all, he is a future man. Don't ever do this. Also, in no case focus the child's attention on active games, let your son do not what, in your opinion, the boys should do, but what he likes. You should not tease your son with a "weakling" or a "girl" when he cries, thereby expressing his feelings.
Step 4
Please note that it is very important for a boy to spend enough time with his father, who should be actively involved in raising his son from birth. The child will repeat after dad all his actions, adopt male behavior, and everything that the father says will affect his views and further development. Therefore, spending free evenings and weekends together should become a common practice.
Step 5
Remember, in childhood boys are more active in the right hemisphere of the brain. Therefore, your son will give preference to physical and practical activities. You may not be thrilled with catching bugs, dissecting slippery worms, or climbing trees. But despite the fact that you may be in constant expectation of accidents while playing, try to leave the child on his own. This will allow him to expand his field of activity and horizons.