You have to communicate with relatives at a close psychological distance. For this reason, the slightest carelessness can hurt and ruin a relationship.

Step 1
Recognize that family relationships are important - historically. This was facilitated by the existence of communities where everyone depended on everyone and family ties were of great importance. Often, good positions are offered primarily to relatives. In big cities there is a real "mafia" of provincials, connected with each other by blood or through marriage. This allows for better adaptation. If one of the newcomers is successful, the whole family is doing well.
Step 2
When communicating with relatives, keep a reasonable psychological distance: you must not allow them to interfere in life, otherwise quarrels will occur regularly. It is difficult to resist the relatives living nearby, but at some point you need to do this, which will eliminate the need to regularly enter into conflicts. Best of all, the “worn-out record method” works when you calmly but persistently repeat about the decision you made for a long time. Over time, a loved one will understand that he cannot overcome quiet determination, and you will gradually win the degrees of freedom. At some distance, it is easier to live together.
Step 3
Do not forget to regularly help relatives, no matter what your relationship is. This position will allow you to look noble and expect support in different situations. Even when the relationship is not the warmest, they will not be able to refuse you. If a conflict arises, you need to tell your loved ones a phrase like this: “In a difficult situation you can rely on me, and I also hope on you. We live in such an unstable world. I have to rely only on my relatives, and you are dear to me, so let's not hurt each other. Close people expect from you not only words that you value them, but also real help.