How To Protect Your Child From Poisonous Garden Plants

How To Protect Your Child From Poisonous Garden Plants
How To Protect Your Child From Poisonous Garden Plants

With the onset of the summer season, many parents begin to take an interest in protecting the health of children in the forest, in the area or in the country. How to protect your child from poisonous garden plants

How to protect your child from poisonous garden plants
How to protect your child from poisonous garden plants

Often, parents, wishing to make the child's rest in the country more fun and beautiful, equip a playground for him, set up a swimming pool, and set up a small vegetable garden. But first, you should walk around your site and check if all the plants that you have lovingly planted will be safe for the child?

Common poisonous plants

There are many poisonous plants, they are usually very, very attractive in appearance and may interest a kid who wants to use them in his game - to cook soup, for example, or just play with cute leaves and flowers.

Very poisonous:

  • aconite (wrestler);
  • colchicum;
  • spurge;
  • sleep-grass (lumbago); foxglove - a small fraction of a leaf of this plant can cause a heart attack in a child;
  • swimsuit;
  • yarrow;
  • violet;
  • fraxinella;
  • lily of the valley;
  • St. John's wort perforatum;
  • sweet clover medicinal;
  • cornflower blue.

These plants are known to us as ornamental and medicinal, but they can cause serious poisoning.

What else is there to fear

All parts of the wolfberry are deadly poisonous (daphne is deadly). It is a shrub with red fruits similar to felt cherries. The fruits of such shrubs as the Thunberg barberry, snowberry, honeysuckle, bird cherry, various forms of common elder are dangerous. If an adult gets enough of these berries, he can get by with unpleasant consequences, the consequences for the child can be dangerous.

Loved by many, clematis, like many other plants of the buttercup family, is poisonous. In addition, the milky sap of this plant causes burns in children and a strong allergic reaction. The yew, which is often used as a hedge, is very poisonous. In yew, all parts of the plant are poisonous, except for the red-orange fruits, which, however, are also not worth trying.

Do not get carried away with planting near the playground and such plants that have a strong smell: fragrant tobacco, mattiola, lily, meadowsweet. These plants attract insects that can be harmful to your baby. If a child is prone to allergies, then the flowering of birch, poplar, alder, hazel, willow will cause him a runny nose and tears. The same reaction can be repeated during the flowering of dandelions, cereals, meadow grasses (timothy, bluegrass, quinoa, etc.)

You should not, of course, mow and uproot all your flower beds. If any dangerous plant is already on the site, move it away from the children's corner or refuse to grow it for a while - until the child grows up. Watch your fidget carefully, explain to him in a timely manner that not all flowers and leaves can be picked.
