It is possible to accustom an infant to the regime only by learning to understand and satisfy his needs, which in a newborn baby are not yet tuned to a certain rhythm. Constant communication with him will help you understand the baby.

Step 1
The important needs of the infant are feeding, staying awake and sleeping. Try to satisfy them during the newborn period in such a way that the baby understands that it is very pleasant to eat, sleep and stay awake. And if you really succeed in doing just that, then you will be able to prevent many of the baby's behavior problems in the first year of life.
Step 2
When caring for your baby, try to guess his needs before he uses his last resort - crying to communicate that he needs your attention. Of course, at first it is difficult to determine what exactly the baby needs: he wants to eat or drink, he is in pain or he cannot sleep. It is very easy to solve any of these problems by placing the baby to the breast, not observing the schedule and time of feeding. This is how your emotional contact with the baby is established, the crumbs have a feeling that their mother fully accepts him.
Step 3
Adapt to the baby: the period of life according to the regime will come a little later. And at first, by studying the time of waking, sleeping and feeding the baby, you will see that the baby himself will help to establish the schedule he needs. During infancy, your task will be to adjust the regimen established by him with the changing needs of the child. Do not forget that every week the needs of the crumbs change in qualitative or quantitative parameters, but their essence remains the same. Try to understand the essence of the changes and include it in the schedule of the crumbs, slightly updating it. For example, as he grows up, take longer walks, devote more time to wakefulness, games for the development of the baby, etc.
Step 4
While feeding the baby, do not be distracted by anything else, so that this process is fixed in the mind of the baby as a pleasant sensation: it not only satisfies the feeling of hunger, but also leaves positive emotions.
Step 5
A kid can be calm only when he feels that his mother is somewhere nearby, that she knows exactly what he needs and will satisfy his need. Until this pattern repeats several times, the baby will worry. Therefore, the sleep of the crumbs will be calm only if mom is around. Babies can feel the style and rhythm of movement, the sounds and smell of their mother. If you sleep together, then your breath and smell are enough for the baby. If the baby sleeps in another room at night, then he will constantly wake up to check where his mother is. Therefore, put his bed next to yours, then the baby will sleep, waking up only for feeding, and in the morning he will wake up cheerful and rested.