What Is Toxicosis

What Is Toxicosis
What Is Toxicosis

Pregnancy, especially desirable, brings joy and pleasant experiences to any woman. But toxicosis, which is her "faithful" companion, probably every expectant mother is afraid. For many people, the word "toxicosis" means only cravings for salty foods and the appearance of symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

What is toxicosis
What is toxicosis

In the medical sense, toxicosis (another name is gestosis) is a group of pathological changes in a woman's body that arise in connection with the appearance and development of a fetus. Gestosis is characterized by various symptoms that complicate the course of pregnancy and stop after the end of the baby's birth. The most common symptoms of toxicosis, in addition to nausea and vomiting, are morning sickness, dizziness, excessive accumulation of saliva, rapid heart rate and pulse. Early toxicosis occurs in almost most women and lasts from the first weeks to the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. In the mechanism of the appearance of gestosis, hormones produced by the placenta play an important role, and they affect the metabolic processes in the fetus and the expectant mother. In this case, the nervous system and internal organs of the pregnant woman begin to respond to these changes with symptoms of toxicosis. There are several theories of the onset of toxicosis. The most popular and well-grounded of them is the neuro-reflex one. According to this theory, in the subcortical structures, where the majority of protective reflexes are formed, during pregnancy, vital processes are activated. In the subcortex, for example, is the vomiting center, as well as the olfactory zones involved in the management of internal organs, in particular the stomach, heart, lungs, salivary glands. Hence the increased heart rate, profuse salivation, gastrointestinal manifestations in pregnant women. But whatever the mechanism of the onset of toxicosis, there is undoubtedly one thing: the body of a pregnant woman behaves in such a way as to endure and preserve the new life that has appeared inside. Having understood this, it will be easier to accept and cope with the manifestations of toxicosis. With symptoms of early toxicosis, which is mild, vomiting occurs no more than 3-5 times a day. These days, you need to supply the body with a sufficient amount of liquid in the form of soups, broths, fruit and vegetable juices, dairy drinks. If attacks of nausea and vomiting occur more than 15 times a day, we can talk about the occurrence of severe toxicosis of the first trimester. In this case, a doctor's consultation is necessary. It is better to eat fractionally and often throughout the entire time. It is better to observe 5-6 meals a day. Diversify your menu, include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cottage cheese. After each meal, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with a refreshing liquid. Preliminary consult and get an appropriate consultation from the dentist. Toxicosis in the late stages, in the third trimester of pregnancy are more serious complications. They may be accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of edema on the legs, and protein may be present in the urine. In such cases, constant visits and observation by the doctor leading the pregnancy are mandatory. Pregnant women need to monitor their weight gain. On average, it is 10-15 kg for all 9 months. Early toxicosis in a mild form may be accompanied by a slight loss of weight - up to 3-5 kg, but after their manifestations are over, the weight will begin to increase. In more severe forms, pregnant women can lose about 5-8 kg, so weight control should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.
