The ancient Roman historian Titus Livy, describing a worthy act of one young man, added: "What an instructive example for our times when children do not respect their own parents!" Yes, there has always been a problem of generational conflict.

Step 1
Most often, seniors are irritated by the behavior of adolescents, who are characterized by sharp mood swings, demonstrative disobedience, and even rudeness. Teenagers have to listen to a lot of complaints: they dress the wrong way, they are addicted to the wrong thing, and they listen to the wrong music.
Step 2
A modern teenager can rightfully be called a “child of the Internet”. He can no longer imagine his life without this World Wide Web. Modern teenagers spend a lot of time on various forums, on social networks, and blogging. Some of them are addicted to computer games. Unfortunately, sometimes virtual reality "drags on" them so much that they can no longer do without it. A real computer addiction arises, fraught with negative consequences, up to and including suicide. In addition, excessive passion for virtual communication prevents adolescents from soberly assessing their capabilities, preparing for real life.
Step 3
Many modern teenagers read little. Mainly, thanks to the same Internet, which makes it possible to obtain any necessary information in the shortest possible time. But this opportunity also has a negative side: young people are unlearning the habit of reasoning, analyzing, and looking for a solution to any issue or problem themselves.
Step 4
If relatively recently teenagers dreamed of becoming astronauts or pilots, now the ultimate dream of many teenagers is to get a high-paying job, preferably in the financial sector, in order to be able to lead a luxurious lifestyle. Moreover, they sometimes do not even think that only one in a thousand can become a successful banker, at best. This is largely a consequence of the annoying advertising of the cult of money, "strong personality", success at any cost, which began after the collapse of the USSR in 1991.
Step 5
Unfortunately, modern adolescents are not spared such a painful problem as drug addiction. If in the days of the USSR the number of teenagers using drugs was very small, now there are a lot of them. According to doctors and sociologists, about 10% of high school students have tried drugs at least once (this number is probably even higher). Of course, all of the above does not mean that today's adolescents should be viewed as a lost generation. Among them there are many smart, inquisitive, comprehensively developed and well-mannered people who strive to become scientists.