The adolescent period is characterized by the age range of 11-17 years. All this time, the child is in a state of pubertal crisis, which makes itself felt in all spheres of the teenager's life.

Step 1
It should be noted that the leading activity of a teenager is intimate and personal communication with peers. This suggests that parents should not worry about the child spending a lot of time with friends. Modern children tend to communicate at a distance. This is why they spend so much time on the Internet. Try to give your child more opportunities to communicate with peers: send him to camp, to the sea or to other places of mass gathering.
Step 2
Adolescence is the period of puberty. Modern children are trying to learn about their reproductive system faster and more. There is no need to put a taboo on this topic, otherwise it will create even more interest on the part of the teenager.
Step 3
For a teenager, his role in the team is important. Modern children clearly distinguish between the concepts of leader and outcast. Make sure that your child does not take the position of the target of the school bullying. If you see that the child comes home depressed, sad, then urgently discuss the whole situation with him. You may have to change school or even your apartment.
Step 4
The increased excitability of the adolescent's nervous system is an integral part of his physiological growth. That is why a teenager constantly wants to conflict. Try not to offend once again such qualities of the child as negativism, obstinacy, and self-will. There is no need to give a teenager direct instructions on what to do and how to do it. It is best to create the illusion of choice.
Step 5
In the modern world, it is very important to treat the spiritual world of a teenager with understanding. With the introduction of a large amount of technology, children began to pay less attention to live conversations. Therefore, try to talk to your child more often. Have family evenings or dinners during which you can discuss what happened during the day.
Step 6
A difficult task of the modern adolescent is the ability to adequate self-esteem. The stereotypes that the media impose on them are unacceptable for normal psychological development. Teach your child to objectively highlight their positive and negative sides. Compliment your teen more often and just remember to show your parental care and love for him.
Step 7
As you educate your teenager, remember that results may be delayed over time. Positive traits of a child's character can manifest themselves at the age of early adolescence, when a person's worldview and self-determination begins to form.